26 March 2011

Hollywood tonight

Let's start the weekend with numbers. Math, you'll get me gone.
And I stricte ADORE driving at night! All these lights and neons...:))))))

PS This song is my number one for chilling. It's like a bucket of honey for soul.

R.R. :*

25 March 2011

When blackies mingle with whities

The real fun starts, when you discover that your greatest advantages become also your biggest profanities...
Do whatever you fckn want; only if it doesn't hurt others. Because people will always have their own interpretation anyway.
Humans are generally stupid and shallow - nothing new, though life is easier then.

Dear Friday, I'm totally in love with your nights.

K.K. :*

24 March 2011


In Memory of Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor
27 February 1932 - 23 March 2011

"You find out who your real friends are when you're involved in a scandal."

"I've always admitted that I'm ruled by my passions."

"When people say: She's got everything, I've got one answer: I haven't had tomorrow."

22 March 2011

In the middle of nowhere; at the edge of forever

Spring, spring, spring...:))))))))
...It's a nice ocassion to remind you that if you're an avuncular, unhurting, benevolent and benignant person, you should never let ANYTHING let you down. Just continue living your life and enjoy every single moment, because...who knows, lady death may knock to your doors even today.
Try to smile and keep being good and open-hearted as often as you can. Yes, you. And if something really ghastly happens to you - treat that like a lesson.
I'm not telling you it's going to be easy. I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

21 March 2011

Just do it

In my opinion there are two types of people in the world.
Those, who have  a lot of dreams and those, who have a lot of plans or ambitions.
 I definetely lead my life as I belong to this second group.

But it doesn't of course mean that I don't have a few dreams. Because everybody does.
One of my biggest fantasy is to swim and play all evening with dolphins in this heavenly turquoise water, for example in Egypt. Dolphins are totally fabulous.
And I want a real Hermes Birkin bag. One day, by dint of my own work, I will be terribly rich and (after feeding all Africa plus giving home to all poor animals) I'm going to buy Birkins in all colours, in all shades, in all types!

"It's not a bag... It's a fucking Birkin!" - as Carrie would say...:)))))))))

PS (Last but not least): I'm proud of my father, his newest hobby is making films and posting it to Youtube.
I think that he really got a talent - for example music is perfectly chosen, of course made just by himself in mountains while enjoying his and his friends' passion: extreme sports (what a sacrifice, using camera in such extremes!). This film was made in Mr. Dracula's land, Romania... It's wildly important to live your life to the fullest: with your passion and hobby.
Catch the link, enjoy: 

20 March 2011

The 18 Celebration!

I'm so proud of my friends. They've organised a spectacular Eighteen party. So spontaneous!
My love for you, which although is so huge that it couldn't even get bigger, is paradoxically still improving and growing! I'm so grateful. It was the best night ever.
And what happens backstage - stays backstage.

12 March 2011

The perfect Saturday

What a positive day! A long walk in a forest with my horse and hours,hours of shopping.
Now chillin @ home, all I miss is my cat which is still out - he's probably enjoying the early spring, woohoooo!
And... Today I've learned that we should never be sure of what we see. Appearances are really slicky and crafty beasts.

I like and appreciate those moments when all you worry about is which colour of lacquer to choose.
Women are so funny and lovable sometimes!
(I'm sorry for the photo quality - in fact it's iphone's fault;))